The Mauritius Global Headquarters Administration Licence allows multinational companies to set up or relocate their regional administration, procurement and accounting functions to Mauritius, allowing them to take advantage of an eight-year tax holiday and the numerous benefits of operating from the jurisdiction. Companies holding a Global Headquarters Administration Licence are expected to provide at least three headquarter services to three or more related companies, including but not limited to the following:
- Administration and general management
- Business planning , development and coordination
- Economic or investment research and analysis
- Services related to international corporate headquarters in Mauritius
- Companies operating from Mauritius can benefit from its extensive range of bilateral and multilateral agreements, sound legal system, good corporate governance, reliable banking system, qualified and experienced workforce, and no foreign exchange controls
- Companies holding a Global Headquarters Administration Licence are eligible for a tax holiday of eight years on corporate income, subject to meeting its licensing requirement
- Eligibility to acquire immovable properties in Mauritius for residential or business purposes
- Allow to live and work in Mauritius
In addition to the normal licensing requirements for Global Business Companies, a company holding a Global Headquarters Administration Licence should also meet the following requirements:
- It should have a physical office in Mauritius
- It should employ a minimum of 10 professionals, with at least two at managerial level
- It should incur annual expenditure of at least MUR 5M (approx. USD 150,000)
- It must have its principal bank account in Mauritius
- Detailed Business plan including services to be provided, group structure, details on related companies to whom services to be provided etc
- Details on the persons who will provide services
- Draft copy of standard material contract( s) or agreement (s) to executed with clients in connection with the services
- Draft copy of Internal control manual which will include Corporate governance arrangements, policies and procedures on AML/CFT, measures taken to resolve any conflict of interest and sound administrative and accounting procedures
- A copy of lease agreement pertaining to the office in Mauritius