A GBC may be either locally incorporated or registered as a branch of a foreign company. It is governed by the Companies Act, 2001, the Financial Services Act 2007 and regulations made under it.
GBC companies are tax efficient vehicles used to structure investments into Mauritius treaty Member States, which include China, India, U.K, France, Germany amongst others. Mauritius presently has a network of 46 tax treaties.
- Financial Services
- International Licensing & Franchising
- Leasing
- Holding Intellectual Property including copyrights; industrial designs; patents; trademarks; service marks
- Fund Structuring
- Purchase and Rental of equipment
- Ideal investment vehicle for holding structures
- Resident in Mauritius for tax purposes
- No withholding tax on payment of dividends; interests or royalties
- Access to the Double Taxation Treaties in force in Mauritius
- Can be easily migrated to another jurisdiction
- Minimum of two resident directors required to qualify for Tax Residence
- Required to file audited accounts and make tax return
- There is no minimum capital requirement
- Capital can be denominated in any currency
- GBC are not subject to any restriction as to the distribution of their assets. They may purchase their own shares provided the company meets the solvency test. The shares may either be cancelled or held as treasury shares
- There is no minimum capital requirement
- Capital can be denominated in any currency
- GBC are not subject to any restriction as to the distribution of their assets. They may purchase their own shares provided the company meets the solvency test. The shares may either be cancelled or held as treasury shares
- There is no capital gains tax, and no withholding tax on payment of dividends, interests and royalties
- No stamp duties or capital gains tax
- Liable to tax at 15% but ample provisions are available to reduce the tax payable to an effective Tax rate of 3%